2025 Met gala gilded Regency prom

Menlo-Atherton High is proud to present our "Met Gala Gilded Regency" Prom on April 25, 2025

Prom Details...

Where: San Francisco City Hall (1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102)

When: 8pm - 12am (Doors open at 8 pm and will open at 11:30pm, with dance ending promptly at midnight).

Parking: Parking Garage right by City Hall; Street Parking available after 6 pm


Prom will include...


Seniors and Juniors are welcome to attend simply by purchasing tickets on the Green starting March 31st. We will sell tickets on a daily basis, aside from during Spring Break, until April 23rd. No guest passes will be issued, nor accepted at the door. Tickets will also not be available at the door. If you need to leave early, you may only do so if a parent can you pick up, with an administrator's permission. 

**You must turn in any guest passes no later than April 23, 2025.**

you do not want to miss this!!